How I Rest Well During The Flu

What I Did To Get Better With No Shortcuts

Belle Rose
3 min readJan 12, 2024


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We all know that influenza viruses cause the flu as a respiratory illness: a contagious one that infects the throat, nose, and even the lungs. The flu could last weeks, but the symptoms could be as good as gone in a few days or less. Yes, you read that correctly: a few days or less.

And for the past couple of days, I, of course, was struck with one. However, I am still in recovery since I am getting better as the days go by. But I will share my tips on resting well during the flu or, at least, how I managed to do so.

Follow the Doctor’s Instructions

Let me confess something. It has been a long time since I last visited my family doctor or any certified doctors from elsewhere, like Medstat.

But I take to heart the instructions I received when I used to visit the hospital after the doctors’ diagnosis. However, the given instructions from the doctor within all the years prior are a blessing to my advantage: knowledge.

And the knowledge of that gift we know is listening as we apply them leads us to the last three tips in this guide.



Belle Rose

A freelance writer and poet who writes of thoughts and experiences